construction worker standing in front of white wall

News & Events


Senate Working to Address Immigration Policy Changes that Could Be Included in Aid Package for Ukraine and Israel

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IRS Issues Proposed Rule to Implement Section 48 Energy Tax Credit with Additional Clarifications Regarding Recapture and Transferability of the Tax Credit

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IRS Reproposing Inflation Reduction Act Standards on Apprenticeship Utilization and Payment of Prevailing Wage

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House Republicans Introduce CRA to Overturn SWACCA-Supported Davis-Bacon Final Rule

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PBGC Releases FY2023 Annual Report

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FinCEN Sends Rulemaking Regarding Use of Beneficial Ownership Information to Pursue Worker Misclassification Violations to the White House for Review

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New Report Finds Up to 2.1 Million Construction Workers Are Illegally Misclassified or Paid Off the Books, Costing Taxpayers Up to $10 Billion Per Year

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Bureau of Labor Statistics Releases 2022 Injury and Illness Data that Finds Injuries in Construction Held Steady Between 2021 and 2022

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Congressional Republicans Introduce Bicameral Congressional Review Act Resolutions to Rescind SWACCA-supported NLRB Joint Employer Final Rule

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ABC Files Long-Awaited Lawsuit Challenging SWACCA-Supported Davis-Bacon Modernization Final Rule

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General Services Administration Announces $2 Billion for Construction Projects Across the Country Using Low-Embodied Carbon Construction Materials

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OFCCP Releases Revised Forms for Job Applicants and Employees to Submit Complaints Alleging Discrimination by a Federal Contractor

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