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All CEA Members Join SWACCA in Sending Letter of Support for NDAA Amendment to Debar Federal Contractors That Engage in Repeat or Willful Misclassification and Wage Theft

All members of the Construction Employers of America (CEA) joined SWACCA in a letter of support for an amendment offered by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) to the fiscal year (FY) 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would enact SWACCA-advocated debarment penalties for federal contractors that have been found to have committed four or more repeated and willful violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act in the last four years. SWACCA unsuccessfully worked last Congress to enact this provision into law and is continuing to press for it to ensure accountability for perpetrators of misclassification and wage theft.

Requiring federal departments and agencies to initiate debarment proceedings against contractors with repeated and willful violations of federal wage laws is a recommendation that came out of President Matt Townsend’s September 2019 testimony on employee misclassification in the construction industry before the House Education and Labor Committee.

You can read the letter to Rep. Jayapal in full here.

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