WHD Announces Launch of 2022 Davis-Bacon Wage Survey Plan
The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) announced its Davis-Bacon Wage Survey Plan set to begin in 2022. As the WHD begins its wage survey process, the agency is reaching out to contractors, contracting agencies, unions, and others in the construction industry to ensure participation by all relevant stakeholders.
Specifically, WHD is planning wage rate surveys for building construction in Maine. WHD is also planning wage other surveys. Stakeholders can find the list of 2022 currently planned surveys here, as well as the status of surveys that are currently in progress.
The criteria used to determine areas where a survey should be performed are: (1) the age of the previous survey; (2) federal procurement agency plans for construction; (3) whether stakeholders have requested a new survey of a construction type in a state or locality; and (4) whether public and private data reviews show wages in a locality have sufficiently changed to warrant a new wage determination.
Individuals that have suggestions regarding geographic areas and construction types that they believe should be considered for the 2022 or 2023 Survey Plan are encouraged to email DB-Wage-Survey-Request@dol.gov.
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