News Detail

WHD Submits Notice of Proposed Revision to Davis-Bacon Survey Collections for Publication in the Federal Register

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division announced it submitted to the Office of the Federal Register for publication a notice of proposed revision to the information collection titled, “Report of Construction Contractor’s Wage Rates (Form WD-10).” Specifically, WHD is proposing changes to the WD-10 form to improve the overall efficiency of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts survey process. The proposed changes aim to streamline the collection of data required for the survey and make the collection less burdensome for respondents. The proposed revision rearranges questions and data requests to enable respondents to quickly gather and report information.

In addition, WHD is also proposing to add a new WD-10A collection instrument, which is a companion form to the revised WD-10 form. This new form will primarily be used pre-survey to identify potential respondents that performed construction work within the survey period in the survey area so that the Department can more effectively solicit survey participation.

Once published, this information collection will be subject to a 60-day comment period, which can be submitted by email to

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