SWACCA Joins 100 Other Groups Setting Forth Common Ground for Multiemployer Pension Reform
On the heels of House passage of the Butch Lewis Act (H.R. 397), SWACCA and over 100 stakeholders including unions like the UBC, IUPAT, OPCMIA AND LIUNA; major trade associations, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers; as well as individual companies like UPS, Nestle, and Kellogg’s sent a letter to House and Senate leadership outlining general principles on the elements that must be included in any legislation that seeks to truly resolve the crisis facing the multiemployer pension system and to ensure its long term survival. These principles include the authorization of alternative plan designs like composite plans.
The letter is intended to remind both the House and the Senate that the Butch Lewis Act can only be the starting point for a much larger discussion on a legislative solution that both resolves the current crisis and modernizes the system for the future. You can read the letter in its entirety here.
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