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SWACCA and CEA Submit Letter to House Education and Workforce Committee Opposing the “Davis-Bacon Repeal Act”

This morning, SWACCA joined with its allies in the Construction Employers of America (CEA) to send a letter opposing the “Davis-Bacon Repeal Act” (H.R. 720) to the House Education and Workforce Committee.

In the letter, SWACCA and CEA highlight that we oppose the repeal of Davis-Bacon because it provides a level playing field for local construction workers by protecting them and their employers from losing out on federal projects to outside contractors who recruit labor from cheaper labor areas. The letter also highlights that Davis-Bacon provides taxpayers with the best long-term value by ensuring that federally funded projects are built to the highest standards using skilled and well-trained craftspeople. SWACCA has been and will continue to work to oppose this misguided legislation in the 118th Congress.

The full letter is available here.

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