DOL Publishes SWACCA-Advocated Final Rule to Rescind IRAPs
As detailed last Friday, today the Department of Labor (DOL) has published a final rule to rescind Trump-era Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) that marks the end of a four year fight by SWACCA’s public policy team in Washington, DC. This final rule will be effective on November 25, 2022.
The final rule directs the “immediate cessation” of authority for Standards Recognition Entities (SREs) and IRAPs they have recognized. Because SWACCA and its allies won a freeze on recognition of new SREs early in this Administration, there are only 27 SREs that have recognized a total of 178 IRAPs that will be impacted by this rescission. Workers involved in these programs may elect instead to enroll in a registered apprenticeship program that provides training for their desired occupation. In such instances, DOL notes that these apprentices may qualify for advanced standing or credit in those registered programs.
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