construction worker standing in front of white wall

Innovation Committee

The SWACCA Innovation Committee is proactive for its members and introduces leading-edge, solution-driven tech that pushes your industry forward. As they push these boundaries you can expect the committee to create proof of concepts, publish research studies, and create benchmarking data for the industry, available only to SWACCA members. As a member of your local, affiliated association, you are a member of SWACCA.

With each project or study, SWACCA is creating an opt-in community data pool. This empowers and amplifies your SWACCA membership benefits and brings direct value to you, your organization, and the industry. Please click the Sign-Up button below. Your company may partner with one, two, or all three industry partners. Below are short descriptors of each company and exclusive SWACCA Member Pricing.

If you have any question or would like to get involved with the SWACCA Technology committee, please email


Time & Productivity Analytics

Real-time analytics that can reduce costs, improve productivity, and enhance the work environments. Ottogee addresses this head on. Join the study to find out just how much!


 SWACCA Member Pricing

What is a Typical Proof of Concept for SWACCA members? 

Single company: up to 20 workers – 4 weeks – 1 Project - up to 3 floors- $3,000 (credited to subscription)

3 to 5 company pool: up to 100 workers – 8 weeks – 5 projects – up to 3 floors per project – benchmarking analytics $12,000 (credited for subscription)

Post Pilot Subscription Model

Project setup: $4,000 per project

Hardware: $70 for personal/equipment hardware (Can be reused indefinitely)

Software: $20 per person / equipment / month 




 Let’s Talk Safety

What if the safety data you already collect could be used to reduce safety incidents and negotiate more favorable insurance premiums? Smartvid may do just that. Join contractors in the pursuit to drastically improve safety and reduce reportable incidents.


SWACCA Member Pricing

Who, when: Initial “group” (cohort) of 10-15 members, 6 months. Expand at 6 months.

Cost: From $950/month for $50M annual revenue companies and below ($5,700 for 6 months, $11,400 annually) to $1,950/month ($11,700 for 6 months, $23,400 annually) for contractors above $500M in annual revenue.

-Includes unlimited projects, users, all software, SWACCA benchmarking analysis.



BIM in the Field

Spectar is a cloud and software platform that converts BIM files and enables field teams to see the models at 1:1 scale on the jobsite. How much does a 1:1 scale BIM file onsite directly impact productivity? Join the study and see for yourself!


 SWACCA Member Pricing

"Test the waters" SWACCA Pilot Program - 1 week

30 Minute discovery call

1 week for Spectar to process the customer model

2 days of demos on customer jobsite

1-day demo in customer fab shop

 $599 + travel costs (approved with the customer) 

Spectar Pilot - Regular pilot with SWACCA member discounts - 3 months

7 milestones

3 Jobsite training sessions

2 Remote workshops

Weekly meetings 

On-demand services

$1,499 / Month + equipment rental fees + (optional) BIM support services



Innovation Committee

First and Last Name
What is your primary region of business?
Would you or your company like to participate in a SWACCA initiated Proof of Concept?

Which Proof of Concept are you interested in? (please select all that apply)

If your organization participates in the proof of concept or research study, it is the intention of the committee to collect anonymous data for community use. Are you willing to share data with the committee?

Are you the best person to contact about implementing a proof of concept at your company?

If you are recommending another contact for this project, please submit your colleague’s name, email, and phone here:

If you have any question or would like to get involved with the SWACCA Technology committee, please email