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OSTP Extends Until June 29 the Comment Deadline for its RFI on Employer Use of Automated Worker Surveillance and Management Systems

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has published a notice to extend the comment period—from June 15, 2023 to June 29, 2023—for its request for information (RFI) regarding the use of automated systems by employers to monitor, manage, and evaluate their workers.

As we noted in a May 3, 2023 post when OSTP originally published this RFI, OSTP is seeking responses to a series of questions (listed here in their entirety) that collectively address the following topics: (1) why employers implement automated surveillance systems (e.g., safety and health, productivity, competition); (2) how employers use information collected through automated surveillance systems, including whether the information is sold or shared with other businesses; (3) steps taken by employers to solicit or incorporate worker input into how automated surveillance systems are adopted, implemented and used; (4) types of automated worker surveillance and management systems employers have implemented or are considering implementing; (5) how employers decide to use specific automated worker surveillance and management systems, including decisions not to use particular products or types of systems, to limit their scope, and relevant training; and (6) ways employers use the information collected through automated surveillance and management systems, such as for management, human resources, and business operations, including whether the information is sold or shared with other businesses or otherwise influenced by other businesses’ activities.

Responses are now due on June 29, 2023 and can be submitted here using Docket ID OSTP-TECH-2023-0004-0001.

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