construction worker standing in front of white wall

Wage Comparison

SWACCA contractors employ highly skilled tradespeople who typically begin their careers as registered apprentices.  SWACCA contractors’ trades employees earn industry leading wages and benefits while enjoying excellent opportunities for career advancement. This chart compares current SWACCA wage and benefit packages (beginning with an estimated four-year apprenticeship) to the industry average, and projects those figures over a career of up to 40 years.

Region Trade
+ Benefits
The wages you could earn as a SWACCA in over a 40 year career.
The amount your wages could exceed the average in the region, a difference of %.
The value of benefits you could receive over a 40 year career as a SWACCA .
Don't leave money on the table! Find a rewarding career with a SWACCA contractor today!
Career summary (Duration: 40 years)

Note:  SWACCA contractors employ trades employees under industry collective bargaining agreements.  The SWACCA contractor wage and benefit data displayed in this chart is drawn from the collective bargaining agreement for the relevant region and trade.  “Average” wage rates are determined according to United States Bureau of Labor Statistics occupational mean wage rates.  Apprenticeship period rates are estimated over the initial four years of employment.  Annual and career earnings totals are based on 1,800 hours paid per year, and are not adjusted for inflation.  SWACCA strives to ensure that the information displayed herein is accurate; notwithstanding, SWACCA makes no warranty express or implied about the data shown and notes that individual employment experiences will vary.