News Detail

EPA Releases Final Rule Regarding Dust-Lead Post Abatement Clearance Levels

Tomorrow the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is publishing a final rule that reduces the amount of lead that can remain in dust on floors and windowsills after lead removal abatement activities in pre-1978 homes and childcare facilities. 

Under existing EPA requirements, when actions are taken to remove lead from housing and childcare facilities, “clearance level” testing is done to confirm that lead dust was effectively removed at the end of the abatement work.  The EPA’s final rule lowers the clearance levels for dust on floors and windowsills after lead removal activities from 40 micrograms (µg) of lead in dust per square foot (ft2) to 10 µg/ft2 for floor dust and from 250 µg/ft2 to 100 µg/ft2 for windowsill dust.  The EPA has stated that it is implementing these new lower clearance levels to reduce the lead dust related risks to children.

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